Brief introduction of construction operation process of fiber cement pressure plate |
Date: 2019-03-15 Views: 2796 |
Fiber cement pressure plate refers to the board made of cement as the basic material and adhesive, mineral fiber cement and other fibers as reinforcement materials through pulping, molding, maintenance and other processes. Fiber cement board is used in various domestic power plants, chemical enterprises and other electric charge intensive field cable engineering fire retardant. It is also used in large shopping malls, hotels, hotels, document halls, closed clothing markets, light industry markets, cinemas and other public places. Nowadays, the installation of fiber cement pressure plate is relatively convenient in the plate industry. The construction of fiber cement pressure plate is not complicated. Let's take a look at the operation method of fiber cement pressure plate construction. 1、 Fiber cement pressure plate operation (1) Cut the board. It can be cut by hand saw, electric disc saw, etc. The smaller the saw tooth, the better, and the saw section is smooth. The board can also be placed on the platform and pressed with a wood guiding rule. The hand-held cutting knife can be used to cut 1-2 mm deep marks on the board along the guiding rule, and then it is pulled down to break, which is very convenient. (2) Drilling. Electric pistol drill can be used to drill holes. If a piece of wood is padded behind the board, the hole can be drilled on the bottom surface of the afternoon. (3) Planing. The edge of the board can be planed by hand or electric planer, and can also be polished with angular grinding wheel. (4) Before nailing, it is better to drill holes on the board. If it is necessary to drive nails directly, the nails should be slightly away from the edge of the board to prevent the board from cracking. |