我公司将参加迪拜Big 5展会,时间为2015年11月23日-26日 |
发布日期:2015-08-25 人气:4123 |
我公司将于2015年11月23日-26日于迪拜参加展会BIG 5, 迪拜五大行业展会,展位号为 Arena G200,欢迎广大客户和朋友前来参观指导。 始办于1980年的中东迪拜五大行业展(BIG5)是中东地区具影响力且是最大型的建筑、建材及服务类展览会。同时其衍生展中东五大行业建筑机械、车辆及设备展览会是专注于中东地区建筑设备、机械、工具和车辆的专业展会。 此次展会我公司会重点筹备,凭借建元产品的优势,有效的开拓迪拜市场。
Notice of Dubai Big 5 Exhibition
Our company will take part in the the exhibition of the BIG 5 which is hold on November 23, 2015-26 in Dubai. The booth number is the Arena G200, We sincerely welcome customers and friends to visit.
Beginning to do in 1980, the Middle East dubai exhibition five industries (BIG5) is influential in the Middle East and is the largest building, building materials and services for the exhibition. And its derivatives in the Middle East exhibition building five industries machinery, vehicles and equipment exhibition is focused on the Middle East construction equipment, machinery, tools and professional exhibitions of the vehicle.
The exhibition we will focus on preparation, with the advantages of jianyuan products, effective market in dubai. |